Choose between adjectives and adverbs to modify

Choose between adjectives and adverbs to modify

I can choose between adjectives and adverbs to modify a word.

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Choose between adjectives and adverbs to modify

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In this lesson, students will learn how to use adjectives and adverbs in their writing. They will first review the definitions; next, they will read several sentences and passages to identify the adjectives and adverbs. Then, they will use write sentences using adjectives and adverbs they have learned.



Learning objective

Students will be able to choose between adjectives and adverbs to modify a word.


Students will describe three pictures. Explain that they probably used adjectives and adverbs in their descriptions. Students will review the definitions of adjectives and adverbs. Discuss why it is important to know how to correctly use adjectives and adverbs.


Explain that adjectives describe how something looks, smells, tastes, sounds, or feels, and they answer the question, "How many?" Adverbs describe where, when, how, how much, and how often. Students will read examples of adjectives and adverbs.

Next, students will read four sentences and identify the adjectives and adverbs. They will also read four more sentences and determine if the underlined words are adjectives or adverbs. Students will respond to scenarios, such as, "If you were describing an apple, would you use an adjective or an adverb?" They will drag the correct words to the blanks in the passage about tulips for Mia's mother. Then, students will read simple sentences and make the sentences stronger by adding adjectives and adverbs. They will also act out different adjectives and adverbs.


Students will respond to 10 questions.


Students will recall what they learned in this lesson:
- What is an adjective? What is an adverb?
- Why are they important?

As an exit slip, students will write 5 sentences using a combination of adjectives and adverbs.

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