Causes of the Civil War

Causes of the Civil War

I can describe the events that led to the Civil War.

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Causes of the Civil War

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In this lesson, students will learn about the various political, cultural, economic, and social conditions leading to conflict between the Northern and Southern states. Students will begin by filling out a diagram writing what they already know about the Civil war and the events that led up to it, and what they want to know. Students will learn all about the issue of slavery and how it divided the country. In addition, students will learn about the role of abolitionists, including Frederick Douglass, during this time. The lesson will conclude with students completing a Civil War word search.

Learning Objective

Students will be able to trace the events as well as political, cultural, economic, and social conditions leading to conflict between the Northern and Southern states.


Introduce students to the Civil War and have students ponder what were the events that led up to the Civil War. Have students fill out a chart in which they list information they already know about the Civil War and its causes and information they would like to learn.


Begin the lesson by having students slide to reveal several causes of the Civil War that will be discussed in the lesson. Continue by teaching students about one of the main causes of the Civil War⏤ slavery. Explain to students that the North and South could not come to an agreement about slavery causing further tension. Students then watch a video about abolitionist Fredrick Douglass and write a paragraph about him and why they think he is an important part of our history. Continue the lesson by teaching students about the lifestyle differences between the North and South, and the role this played in the Civil War. Stress the importance that the Southern states felt that the federal government was taking away their rights and powers.

Explain to students that the final straw leading up to the Civil War was the election of Abraham Lincoln. The South ultimately believed that Lincoln would stop the expansion of slavery and put an end to it. Teach students that the election of Abraham Lincoln led to the South deciding to secede from the union and form their own new country with their own President. Have students complete a web diagram in which they list 6 causes of the Civil War.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice and true/false questions.


Students will find and cross out all the words in a Civil War word search.

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