Bingo: Instrument Sounds

Bingo: Instrument Sounds

Play bingo with instrument sounds.

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Bingo: Instrument Sounds

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Listen carefully to the sound. Is the instrument you hear on your bingo card? Then place a token on the instrument. The first student to fill their card is the winner!


Download and print the bingo cards. (Tip: Laminate the cards so you can reuse them.)

After printing the bingo cards you're ready to go. Select a stack from the starting page. You will see a card with an instrument case and a sound button. Click the sound button to hear the instrument. Students must place a token on the instrument if it is on their bingo card. To check which instrument it is, drag the instrument case away. Click the 'Next" button to go to the next instrument. Continue until the first person fills their bingo card.

Bingo? Check student’s bingo card by using the covered squares at the top of the page. All instruments heard are tracked here. Is it a real bingo? Then click "Bingo" to celebrate! Want to play another round? Have students shuffle the bingo cards and select another stack from the start page.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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