Ask and answer questions about an informational text

Ask and answer questions about an informational text

I can ask and answer questions about key details in an informational text.

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Ask and answer questions about an informational text

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In this lesson, students will practice using pictures to ask questions about an informational text. They will use the text to answer their questions.



Learning objective

Students will be able to ask and answer questions about key details in an informational text.


Students will ask questions about a picture. Then they will read a passage that goes with the picture and see if any of their questions were answered. Students should ask questions while reading because it helps set a purpose for reading.


The lesson will go through the steps to pre-reading: looking at pictures and coming up with a question to ask. (Don't forget to use question words!) The lesson will model how to ask questions of a text (e.g., "I wonder why the polar bear is swimming in the water?") and how to answer these questions with the text (e.g., "Polar bears will swim when they go hunting for food...").

Students will practice looking at pictures and forming questions. They will also find the answers to these questions in the text.


Students will review how to ask and answer questions about an informational text with 10 questions.


Students will preview a winter-themed picture and ask questions. Then they will uncover the text to find the answers to their questions.

Read our blog post to learn more about reading comprehension exercises!

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