Classifying quadrilaterals

Classifying quadrilaterals

I can identify and classify quadrilaterals based on their definitions.

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Classifying quadrilaterals

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Using definitions, students will name various quadrilaterals. They will also use the definitions and descriptions to sort them, recognizing that a square, for example, can be put into several categories.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.


Students think about ways to describe themselves. Have them come up to the board and add their initials to the boxes that fit. For example, a student might wear glasses and also have a brother. They should observe that they may fit into several categories, just like some quadrilaterals!


Review parallel lines and angles. Explain what a quadrilateral is and have students look at the shapes on the board. They should give a thumbs up if the shape is a quadrilateral and a thumbs down if it is not. After this, go over parallelograms. Next, explain the attributes of squares and rectangles. Using keywords and descriptions, explain that a square is also a rectangle. Have students drag the square and rectangle to classify them and determine that not every rectangle is a square. Move on to the rhombus and show that all squares can also be rhombuses. Again, use the chart to classify the shapes to visualize this. Then describe the features of trapezoids and kites. Next, watch a video with a song to help them remember everything they’ve learned. Students then drag each shape into as many categories as possible to determine which shape is the “All-star.” Finally, students will listen to the descriptions using the text-to-speech widget, then draw a polygon that fits that description. Have them share and compare with their classmates.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice and fill-in responses.


Students design a building using quadrilaterals. They should use a ruler to ensure straight lines and make a list of all quadrilaterals used in their design.

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