Write narratives that include actions, thoughts, and feelings

Write narratives that include actions, thoughts, and feelings

I can write narratives detailing events that include actions, thoughts, and...

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Write narratives that include actions, thoughts, and feelings

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Students are introduced to narrative writing and review how to tell a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. They learn how to make their writing clearer and more interesting for readers by being very descriptive using actions, thoughts, and feelings. The lesson includes writing prompts and a printable worksheet.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to write a narrative detailing events that include actions, thoughts, and feelings.


An image of a character will be on the slide. It will have a blank speech bubble, thought bubble, and caption with an arrow pointing to the character performing an action. Students will drag the correct blurb to the correct spot to show the character’s actions, thoughts, and feelings. Review the purpose of narrative writing and the importance of descriptive details.


Share some strong verbs students can use in their writing to describe a character’s actions. Do the same for thoughts and feelings, providing examples for each. The lesson includes the following activities:

- Students will read a passage with a picture. They will click to reveal questions they can verbally answer.

- Graphic organizer: Students will read a short story. Students have to find an example of a description of an action, thought, and feeling and add them to the graphic organizer.

- Spinner: Each color on the spinner will have a corresponding sentence that expresses an action, thought, or feeling in a story. Students will determine which one it expresses.

- Students will be given a picture to generate ideas to inspire a narrative story to outline. They will be given a graphic organizer that requires them to fill in the character, setting, events and actions, thoughts, and feelings.

- Story starter: Students will be given a story starter. Students will finish the story while including all necessary components of a narrative story (characters, setting, beginning, middle, end) and descriptions of the actions, thoughts, and feelings.


Students are given 10 questions that review narrative writing and they must identify actions, thoughts, and feelings in context.


Students write their own narratives. They will be given a checklist to help guide their writing by including actions, thoughts, and feelings. The narrative should also include sequenced events and a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Instruction materials

The lesson includes a printable worksheet.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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