Counting Money

Counting Money

Practice counting and calculating with realistic currencies.

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Counting Money

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Drag coins and bills on the interactive whiteboard. Preselect which bills or coins you want to practice with. If you want to check your total, have the tool calculate it!


Drag the money from the bottom to the rectangle above. The money in the area can be dragged and ordered. Click the button “Calculate” to show the total of the money in the square. The total is shown in the bottom right.

You can delete the money by dragging the items out of the top rectangle 1 at a time. Select the “Reset” button to clear the rectangle entirely. Use the “Generate” button to display a random quantity of bills and coins, based on the parameters you have set in the settings.


Via the settings of the tool, you can make a selection of which coins/bills and which currency you want to practice with.

The tool is set to use the US Dollar as standard, but you can also choose to use the Canadian Dollar, Mexican Peso, Euro, or British Pound.

Maximum Generated Value
Here you select the highest money total that will be shown if you select "Generate" in the tool.

If you select the box "Order generated money by value," all of the money will be sorted by size in the square when you select "Generate."

Choose Money Values
In this option, you can select which coins or bills to show in the tool. Use this if you, for example, only want to work with coins.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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