Write an opinion piece with reasons and a conclusion

Write an opinion piece with reasons and a conclusion

I can write an opinion piece with reasons and a conclusion.

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Write an opinion piece with reasons and a conclusion

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This lesson will teach students to write opinion papers using opinion sentence starters, helpful linking words, helpful conclusion words.



Learning objective

Students will be able to write an opinion piece with reasons and a conclusion.


Students will discuss the difference between fact and opinion. They will also discuss whether or not they like math.


Students will be introduced to opinion sentence starters, helpful linking words, helpful conclusion words. Students will also distinguish between fact and opinion. Students will provide reasons to support opinions as well. They will sort opinions, reasons, and examples. They will also practice writing conclusions.


Review the lesson with 10 questions about facts, opinions, and parts of opinion papers.


Students will review the parts of opinion pieces and practice writing one themselves.

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