Separating coordinate adjectives

Separating coordinate adjectives

I can use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives.

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Separating coordinate adjectives

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In this lesson, students will learn why and when to use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives.



Learning objective

Students will be able to use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives.


Students will briefly review adjectives and comma usage. They will consider scenarios in which they use commas. They will be asked to come up with multiple adjectives for a series of images and then consider whether commas should be used to separate those adjectives.


Students will learn the difference between coordinate and cumulative adjectives. They will learn two tests that aid in deciding whether an adjective is coordinate or not. Students will engage in activities to test their understanding. They will place adjectives into the “and”/”order” tests and then decide whether a comma is needed. They will be presented with a series of adjectives to which they need to add commas. Students will be presented with a series of sentences and will need to decide if the sentences are correct or not (correcting those with errors). Students will use the adjectives they picked at the beginning of the lesson and work with a partner to decide whether commas are needed to describe those objects. They will then play a short game racing a classmate on identifying coordinate and cumulative adjectives.


Review coordinate adjectives with 10 questions identifying coordinate adjectives and adding commas to separate the adjectives.


Students will return to their initial activity in which they created adjectives for the images displayed. They will use the two tests to correct their initial thoughts.

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