Physical and chemical properties

Physical and chemical properties

I can identify when a change in matter is physical or chemical in nature.

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Physical and chemical properties

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In this lesson, students will identify physical and chemical changes. They will first go over physical and chemical properties to help them determine whether a scenario was a physical or chemical change.



Learning objective

Students will be able to identify when a change in matter is physical or chemical in nature. With a partner, students will write a list of ways that matter can change form.


Students will review vocabulary terms: mass, volume, matter.


Students will discuss physical and chemical properties. Physical properties might include size, shape, mass, texture, density, etc. They will look around the room and write down one object they see and a list of physical properties for that object.

Explain that a chemical property describes the ability of an object to change into a new form of matter, different than its original form. Chemical properties might include flammability, oxidation, and reactivity. Students will sort given properties as physical or chemical properties.

Next, explain the difference between physical and chemical changes. Go over the signs of a chemical change. They will also think about baking a cake and whether the process involves physical changes, chemical changes, or both. After that, students will refer back to the list they made in the Introduction and classify each change as a physical change or chemical change.


Students will answer ten multiple-choice questions.


Students will recall what they learned in this lesson:
- Can you tell the difference between chemical and physical changes?
- Can you the difference between chemical and physical properties?

Lastly, students will complete an exit slip individually or in pairs.

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