Comparative and superlative adverbs

Comparative and superlative adverbs

I can use comparative and superlative adverbs in my speech and writing.

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Comparative and superlative adverbs

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In this lesson, students will learn comparative and superlative adverbs: what they are, how to use them, and the rules they follow. Students will practice using these adverbs in various activities in the lesson. They will also decide when to use comparative adverbs and when to use superlative adverbs.



Learning objective

Students will be able to use comparative and superlative adverbs in my speech and writing.


Students will review adjectives and adverbs.


Students will be introduced to comparative adverbs, which compare the action of two people or things. Explain the rules of comparative adverbs: adding -er to adverbs to compare the action of two people or things (and what happens to the rule-breaker words). Explain the rules of superlative adverbs as well: adding -est to most short adverbs.

Students will sort between comparative and superlative adverbs. They will identify the correct comparative or superlative adverbs in sentences and tell whether the adverb is comparative or superlative.


Students will complete 10 questions identifying comparative and superlative adverbs.


Students will go "shopping" for adverbs and add words to a comparative adverbs shopping basket or a superlative adverbs shopping basket. Students will get to choose a comparative adverb and a superlative adverb to make statements about two pictures.

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