Paying with exact/close to exact change

Paying with exact/close to exact change

I can pay for an item with exact change or close to exact change.

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Paying with exact/close to exact change

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Students will learn how to count change to the exact amount or close to the exact amount. For example, something that costs $8.75 could be paid for exactly or with a ten-dollar bill.



Learning objective

Students will be able to pay with exact or close to exact change.


Students will review the names and values of the coins and bills. They will learn that knowing this is important to accurately count money.


After reviewing the bills and coins, students are given an example of when they might pay for an item with close to the exact amount. They will see that when they do this, they will have less loose change and bills to carry around. Students then practice paying for items using exact change. Further practice is provided using the Gynzy tool for buying items and making changes.They are encouraged to use exact change when making the purchases. Students then learn about paying with close to the exact change. They practice this with an activity that they erase to check. Again, they practice with the Gynzy tool for buying items and making change, but this time they are instructed to pay with the coin or dollar that is the closest resulting in having to count change back. Finally, students solve a story problem where they pay with close to the exact amount.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice and true/false questions.


Students will add to an amount of money to give the exact change.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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