Spelling practice: tion/sion/cian word parts

Spelling practice: tion/sion/cian word parts

I can correctly spell words with tion/sion/cian endings.

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Spelling practice: tion/sion/cian word parts

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Students will practice spelling words ending with tion/sion/cian. They will apply the spelling strategy of say-write-spell to learn new words.



Learning objective

Students will be able to correctly spell words with tion/sion/cian endings.


Students will review the concept of how the same sound can be made with different spellings—in this case,/f/ spelled with a ph.


The lesson begins with the most common way of spelling this sound by using the ending -tion. They complete analogies and fill in the missing words of a paragraph using words of this spelling. Next, the students are given the strategy of "say-write-check" to learn a list of -sion words. After completing this exercise as a class, they solve a crossword puzzle with -sion word parts. To understand using the spelling of -cian, students learn that it is the ending of several professions, such as physician and magician. Initial practice with these words encourages students to create their own "say-write-check" chart. Then the students match a quote to a profession such as, “I can pull a rabbit out of a hat” for the magician.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice, drag and drop, and true/false questions.


Students will brainstorm to think of 20 words that end with the spelling -tion. This is the most common way of spelling the sound of /shun/. Throughout the lesson, they practiced spelling many of these words, so this should increase the chances of being able to successfully

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