Locate U.S. states on a map

Locate U.S. states on a map

I can identify the fifty states on a map.

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Locate U.S. states on a map

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This lesson will help students become more familiar with the map of the United States. Students will learn all 50 states and determine the region in which they are located: West, Midwest, Southwest, Southeast, and Northeast. In this engaging lesson, students will work together to give each other clues about the names of different states, write their own tune for the 50 states, and try to draw the states from memory.

Learning Objective

Students will be able to locate the states of the United States and the corresponding regions. This includes all 50 states organized by region.


Show students a blank map of the United States. See if they can find their state and identify any other states. After this, introduce the five regions on a map.


Show students the states that make up the Northeast region of the country. Point to each state and have students repeat the names. You can also have students come up to the board to point and lead the class. After this, students will use the word bank to identify the states on the map of the Northeast. The names of the states have been hidden under a cover, and you can click to reveal them. Go through the same procedure for each of the other 4 regions.

After this, students spin the wheel and name the states based on their color on the map. Have students work with a partner to give each other clues for the names of each of the states pictured on the board. Watch the video of the song to help students remember the names of the states and their shapes. See if students can write their own songs. This can be done as a separate assignment. Students then try to draw the states presented. Ask if any of the states have a shape that reminds them of an object.


Check student understanding with ten multiple-choice, fill-in, and true or false questions.


Students will pick a state to research. They should find the state’s capital, flag, motto, state bird, and state flower.

Teaching tips

You may choose to split this lesson up and teach it over the course of multiple days.

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