

I can explain what a landslide is and how to stay safe during one.

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Students learn about landslides and how to prepare for one. They’ll learn what to do before a landslide occurs, during a landslide, and after.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to describe a landslide and explain how to prepare for one.


Students are asked at the start to complete the anticipation guide. They are given a set of four true or false questions that contain information about landslides. Be sure to emphasize that it does not matter if they get the answers incorrect because they're about to learn all this information about landslides! Start by defining what a landslide is with the class. Watch the video to give students a visual understanding of what landslides are like and to provide more information. Then ask students to answer the questions on the right with the information they just learned in the video.


Explain the 'how' and 'when' of landslides, then explain the 'who' and 'where' by defining what geologists do and where landslides occur, namely areas with heavy rain. Discuss what to do before, during, and after a landslide. First, have a plan and avoid building in certain areas. You can also build walls to protect against landslides. During a landslide, you might hear the sounds of cracking trees and rumbling rocks. You should stay awake and alert, and move away from the area or curl into a ball if you cannot move away. After a landslide, continue to avoid the area and check for damage. Have students fill in the blanks with words from the word bank. Finally, ask them to spin the wheel and give an action they should do before, during, or after a landslide.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice and true/false questions.


Discuss the learning goal with students and check to see if they can identify a landslide and determine what to do during one. Close the lesson by returning to the anticipation guide and ask students if they want to change their answers. Review the anticipation guide as a class.

Teaching Tips

If you live in a location that has a high likelihood of landslides, you may choose to incorporate that into your lesson with locations or areas that students are familiar with. Since some students are very scared of natural hazards, make sure to reassure them that by following the steps given and that by being prepared, they increase their survival chances in these situations.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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