Introduce a topic

I can identify different ways to introduce a topic when writing informative text

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Introduce a topic

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Teach students how to write an interesting and organized introductory paragraph with this engaging lesson on informative writing. Students will learn about three different hooks for their introduction: ask a question, share an interesting fact, and imagine a scene. They will also learn how to include the main idea of their essay in this paragraph.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to write effective introductory paragraphs for their informative writing assignments.


Students begin the lesson by playing a fun game of 3 facts and a fib with a partner. This will lead to a review of fact vs. opinion in which students will identify whether statements are facts or opinions. Next, students review the 3 parts of informative writing: the introduction, body, and conclusion.


Students will learn that the introduction tells what the essay will be about and serves as a preview of the text. They will be asked to make a personal connection and think of some aspects of movie previews that make them want to go watch the movie. This will lead to a discussion of writing engaging hooks and the main idea. They will be asked to identify the hooks and main ideas of different model texts and spin a wheel to think of a hook for the topic they spin.


Students are given ten questions. In the questions, they must identify the types of hooks given, read paragraphs and identify the hook, and select the question words in hooks.


Recap the types of hooks and the main idea of an introduction, before giving students the opportunity to practice writing about a topic, making sure to include an engaging hook and a clear main idea.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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