Spoken words represented by specific sequences of letters

Spoken words represented by specific sequences of letters

I can tell that letters make up words.

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Spoken words represented by specific sequences of letters

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Introduce students to the connection between letters, words, and sentences. This lesson will help students understand that letter sounds create words that have meaning and when placed in the right order, those words can turn into a sentence. This is a great way to get students comfortable writing in complete sentences.

Common core standards


Learning Objective

Students will be able to recognize that spoken words can be shown in writing by a specific sequence of letters.


Students begin by practicing letter recognition and letter sounds. They will be introduced to the idea that when put together, letter sounds can make a word that can be written down. Students will learn that words need to be placed in the correct order to make sense. They will be shown two examples to demonstrate this: “Green the is bed” and “The bed is green.”


Students will practice identifying objects that begin with the letters t and p, by dragging images to boxes and drawing their own pictures. Students will also drag letters in front of the -at word family and match those new words to corresponding pictures. Finally, students will have the opportunity to unscramble words to create a sentence.


Students are given 10 questions to practice their understanding of spoken words and specific letter combinations. They are given questions with only audio in which they determine the starting letter of the words, questions in which they listen to a word and select the correct letters of the word, and questions in which they determine the correct sequence of words to make a correct complete sentence.


To conclude, students are presented with the letters, “o,” “t,” and “p.” They will put those letters in order to make a word then draw a picture of the words they created.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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