Shades of meaning among related words

Shades of meaning among related words

I can distinguish between shades of meaning among related words.

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Shades of meaning among related words

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In this lesson, students will learn how to determine shades of meaning on groups of related words. They will complete several activities to practice sorting the words.



Learning objective

Students will be able to distinguish between shades of meaning among related words.


Students will discuss: "What is a meaning of a word called?" The class will also discuss shades of meaning. Students can ask themselves which word has the stronger or weaker meaning. Explain why it is important to understand to concept of shades of meaning.


Students will arrange groups of words with similar meanings in order from least to strongest shades of meanings. An example of a group of words is: "amusing," "hilarious," and "funny." They will rank groups of words in order of intensity. Next, they will complete sentences by dragging the words with the strongest meanings. Students will then review what they learned in the lesson.


Students will answer ten multiple-choice questions.


Students will recall what they learned and play a spin the wheel activity.

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