Personal pronouns

I can use subject and object pronouns to replace nouns.

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Personal pronouns

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In this lesson, students will learn two types of personal pronouns: subject and object pronouns. They will learn the rules to use each type of pronoun.



Learning objective

Students will be able to use subject and object pronouns to replace nouns.


Students will help the Grammar Lion find nouns to eat. They will also complete a maze helping Rex find the pool with a path of nouns.


Students will be introduced to personal pronouns, a word that takes the place of a noun. They will learn about two types of personal pronouns: subject and object pronouns. They will discuss and practice how to use the singular and plural nouns of each type. They will also have charts to help them remember. Singular subject pronouns replace subject nouns: "I," "you," "she," "he," and "it." Plural subject pronouns replace subject nouns: "we," "you," and "they." Singular object pronouns replace object nouns: "me," "you," "her," "him," and "it." Plural object pronouns replace object pronouns: "us," "you," and "them."

After learning all the pronoun types, students will work in pairs to write two sentences about their day before using the correct pronouns.


In 10 questions, students will review the correct pronouns to use with given sentences and phrases.


Have students recall how they determine which pronoun to use for each noun. They will then read a story about Rex the Tyrannosaurus and replace the nouns with pronouns.

Teaching tips

This lesson contains a lot of material. Please feel free to use this lesson over several days.

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